Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Update on Glenna

Friends: Memorial Day finds Glenna working on her exercises, trying to get her diet and other systems normalized, resting and expecting her Home Care PT person and the Pastor to come by. Having done this routine once already the anxiety is  not laying heavy on her mind, but the pain of the surgery and the pain of rehab is just as high as before. She is up on her walker dozens of times a day, much more mobile than the first time…and eats at the table.

Friends are sharing meals and sending notes. The Rex folks are doing their usual great jobs, and we are thankful for this long weekend to find our way into a routine that allows me to work and do my share here.

The support of all of you makes things easier and reminds us of how blessed we are.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Glenna's Knee Surgery Report

Thanks to Dan for sending out the following email today reporting on Glenna's knee surgery ...

G's surgery went quickly, hour & 10 min. Recovery was long...she really enjoys the dope. Has walked already, just a few steps a d she has used the knee bender machine for an hour. Great compared to last (1st) knee surgery. And she's had 1/2 of 2 meals...was starving. We're most encouraged.

Thank you for your prayers good wishes and your friendship. We love you all.
